Tag Archive: art

  1. Glam Slam 5

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    Glam Slam

    Minneapolis, MN GAMUT GALLERY PRESENTS: GLAM SLAM The Clothing Swap Dress-up Photo Shoot Party
    1) Bring clothing you no longer want
    – all sizes, styles, and seasons of men’s and women’s wearable goods welcome
    – try stuff on, aka “play dress-up!”
    – step into the photo booth to capture your good looks
    2) Leave with new-to-you gear!
    – bring a bag or two to carry home your swap findings
    – except for the real gems (which will we store for the next Glam Slam), all the left over gear will be donated to charity
    <br/ >
    Glam Slam reflects Gamut Gallery’s values of community, the art of the happening and eco-consciousness. Recycling clothing into a swap saves room in a landfill as well as resources for new garments. Bringing people together for happenings that create moments for diverse groups of people to interact with one another builds community. The gallery began with these intentions on June 9th, 2012, with a grand opening, multimedia event attended by over five hundred people and an official Northern Spark Festival location. Now they are nominated for the City Page’s “Best Art Gallery.”

  2. Colors

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    No one system can reproduce all colors in the spectrum, and no one artist can create an entire aesthetic in one art piece. This show will feature art that crosses the continuum of possibilities; the collective will illustrate the Gamut. True to the spirit of the Gamut, this show displays dynamic content and style from a diverse group of local artists, creatively tied together through the use of color.

    Nathan Petterson
    Felix Culpa
    Samuel Bjorgum
    Shanna Allyn
    Tierney Houdek
    Kris Bradley
    Sara Syverhus
    Erica Boyles
    Scotty Gunderson
    Jack Mader
    Benji Mohr
    Forest Bash
    Dim Media
    Rachel Adams-Bliss
    John Vasiliou
    Roger Williamson
    Kris Heding
    Jacob Charles Eidem
    Ethan Heidlebaugh
    Kate Renee

  3. Conditions

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    MINNEAPOLIS Saturday, July 14 2012– Conditions explores ideas of vulnerability and control, expressed through portraits of the female body. Hane identifies her work as part of a new era of feminism that does not pit itself against masculinity, but rather openly explores a feminine perspective. In this exhibit, Hane confronts expected molds or versions of self, reinforcing concept with technique. She prepares her lithographs, screenprints and intaglios by beginning with a digital template, which she alters through hand-drawn elements and manual deletion of information. She then uses these matrices to print multiple-layer compositions.

    “The result is a series of iterations, similar to the way a thought or conversation plays in my mind over and over again; slightly different, yet slightly the same”.

    Ash Marlene Hane was born in Northern Minnesota. In 2008 she earned a double BA in Art History and Studio Art, with a focus in printmaking. Her time at the University of Minnesota was spent under the mentorship of Printmaking Professor and Fulbright Scholar, Jenny Schmid. Hane was a founding member of the U of M’s printmaking collective, Bohemian Press, and continues to be an active member of the local printmaking community.

    Two associated events will be held at Gamut Gallery during this exhibit:

    Reception for the opening of Conditions, Saturday, July 14, 7:00-10:00 p.m.
    In response to the exhibit, award-winning choreographer Judith Howard will collaborate with Hane and notable dancers Krista Langberg and Kristin Van Loon, performing Saturday, August 11 and Sunday, August 12 at 8:00 p.m.