Tag Archive: beyond structure

  1. Beyond Structure

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    MINNEAPOLIS–March 23 through May 4, 2013, Gamut Gallery will show four emerging fine artists, as they experiment with abstraction.  Schuyler Huber curates Dan Souligny, Jarad Jensen and Cameron T. Bouwens to join him in creating exploitative new works, specifically for the Beyond Structure exhibit.  The artists work primarily in acrylic on canvas, incorporating screen printing and other media with varying levels of collaboration.

    All four exhibitors make a living producing art.  In this experiment for Gamut Gallery, they step away from the structure of the work they do for a paycheck, while also stepping away from the representational.  One draws inspiration from precision architecture, another from rusting rail road cars.  Their point of intersection lies in the use of pattern, perspective and spontaneity.

    Schuyler Huber currently works as a freelance painter, muralist and screen printer.  He is part of Black Collar, a professional design and screen printing collective.  His mural work is prolific throughout the Twin Cities and he performs increasingly as a live painter.  Huber began his studies at MCAD as a Comic Arts major.  Living and working in the Whittier, Seward and Pillsbury Neighborhoods exposed him to a diverse community of graffiti and mural artists.  Huber began to experiment with brushwork and abstract patterns, graduating with a degree in Drawing and Painting.  His current experiments have led him to calligraphy and sign painting.

    Dan Souligny is the founder of Black Collar, which is finding success as a local, independent business and artist collective.  He specializes in the screen printing that his business centers around, but experiments with incorporating diverse media into his own art.  His freelance work includes branding and marketing for Project Know, and artwork for local charities.  He earned a degree in graphic design from MCAD in 2009, where he also studied illustration.

    Jarad Jensen is a freelance designer and illustrator, working in still and motion graphics.  He has created work for organizations such as The Mayo Clinic and the MPLS collective.  His personal work employs painting as a vehicle to explore form and space, free from outside constraints.  Jensen spent design internships with Paper Darts Magazine, and notable, local illustrator Michael Gaughan.  He completed his BFA in Illustration last year, but spent the first half of his time at MCAD as a painting major.

    Cameron T. Bouwens is a freelance muralist and painter.  He recently translated this work into his own business: Ice Cold Industries.  He has worked for commercial business and individuals in Minnesota, California and Florida.  In 2012 he created a 100 foot mural at the Sarasota Chalk Festival and produced two solo shows.  Bouwens transitioned into fine art from his beginnings as a graffiti artist, honing his skills painting unconventional spaces.  His grandfather and great-grandfather were both sign and billboard painters, something that Bouwens now finds connection with as he works.

    Click here for pictures from the opening!
